Newsletter: Initiative to abolish the agrarian law

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Dear clients and friends,

Please find hereunder our newsletter regarding the law initiative presented by Senator Ricardo Monreal Avila (MORENA), to abrogate the Agrarian Lawandissueinstead the Law for the Agrarian Development (“Initiative”), prepared by our team of professionals in Zozayacorrea Sahagún Arizaga Abogados y Fiscalistas.

This Initiative was presented on October 23rd, 2018, and seeks to generate equal and inclusive conditions in the Mexican countryside, in order to fight poverty, improve the quality of life of people living in the countryside, and improve food supply security.

Of the Initiative which consists of eleven titles, ten of them linked to substantive agrarian law, and one more, relating to agrarian justice before jurisdictional bodies, we highlight the following:

  • Creation of new ejidos and land restitution.
  • Prohibition of large estates, and instead to put extension limits on real property.
  • Creation of the Agrarian Development Fund to finance productive activities in common lands of ejidos and agrarian communities.
  • Preparation of an agrarian-environmental policy to achieve a balance between conservation and sustainable use of the land.
  • Legal personality and patrimony of ejidos and communities so that they can access subsidies and credit.
  • Include the possessor as subject of the same rights as the ejidatario on his/her plot.
  • Due integration and update of the Ejidatario’s Registry.
  • Designation of a successor of agrarian rights of ejidatarios, commoners and possessors.
  • Prescription between consorts for absence of the spouse of the owner of the parcel property.
  • Investments in ejidos and communities for national development.
  • Integration of the Agrarian Courts to the Judicial Branch to simplify processes.
The Initiative was turned to the Agrarian Reform, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development Commissions for its study and analysis. It is expected that the vote on the Initiative will take place before the end of the year.

You can consult the complete text of the Initiative in the following link:

Should the above results of your interest, please contact the undersigned on the following email address in order to obtain more information:

 Or one of the members of Zozayacorrea Abogados on the email address:

If at the northern states, please contact Ali Kuri

Thank you and best regards,

José Miguel Zozayacorrea
Socio/Partner - Zozayacorrea Sahagún Arizaga - Abogados y Fiscalistas
T: +52 (33) 1493 7279
Switch: +52 (33) 1493 7280
Blvd. Puerta de Hierro 5153, Piso 2, Fracc.
Puerta de Hierro, 45116, Zapopan, Jalisco, México


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