The opening to change

"Openness to change, to innovation and to creativity requires, of course, to listen to diverse opinions." Corporate governance is an increasingly important issue for large corporations and “PYMES” alike. It is not only to promote the institutionalization of companies to ensure the permanence of the business but to have agencies (such as the board of directors) to help make more effective decisions: objective, collegiate, built on collaboration from different points of view. A smarter decision-making process becomes crucial today when the market and the economy evolve at rates never before seen. To talk about corporate governance under this perspective, we spoke with an expert, Mr. José Miguel Zozayacorrea-Kuri, and this was what he shared with us. When talking about mergers and acquisitions, it is usually assumed that foreign companies enter the country only to appropriate brands, taking control of national companies. What opinion do you have regarding this aversion?...